Debt Counselling
The debt counselling helps people with low income, heavy debt and low allowance achieve an overview of the debt and administrate the repayment.

Where and How?
The personal debt counselling takes place in The Danish Consumer Council’s debt counselling in Aalborg. To book a personal meeting, you have to fill in a form via the homepage. Afterwards, you will be contacted to arrange a meeting. Read more on gæld.tæ where you can also book a meeting (The text is in Danish).
The debt center is open on Wednesdays between 16.00-18.00 and can be contacted during the opening hours on phone 25 56 71 07 and e-mail:
The address is Hovedbiblioteket, Rendsburggade 2, 9000 Aalborg.
The telephone counselling can be contacted on phone 25 56 00 33 Tuesdays and Thursdays between 14.00-18.00 and Wednesdays between 12.00-16.00.
What is Debt Councelling?
The debt counselling can take place as a personal meeting, as a phone inquiry or as mail counselling. The debt advisers will always take the concrete situation into consideration, and the debt counselling could for example contain:
- Help to identify the economical situation, for example an overview of the debt, budget and repayment plan.
- Help to manage the debt, for example advice on the opportunities of cancellation of debt, and help to negotiate with the creditors.
- Information about, for example, meetings in bailiff's court and with debt registers.
Telephone- and e-mail counselling can only be used for isolated questions such as “What does it mean to go to the bailiff's court?” or “Am I liable for my spouse's debt?”
Links (to Danish sites)
- Forbruger Rådet: the Danish Consumer Council
- Borrow books about debt counseling
- Tænk Penge is The Danish Consumer Council's magazine about money and private economy