General Information, house rules and regulations
General Information, house rules and regulations

Aalborg Libraries is a municipal institution, and the general use of the library is free of charge. To ensure that as many people as possible can enjoy the library's offerings, we have established some rules for using the library. As a user, you are obliged to familiarize yourself with and follow these rules.
The Library Is for Everyone
We aim to provide all our users with a pleasant experience. Therefore, everyone must respect peace and order and follow the staff's instructions. Otherwise, the library may expel a visitor and temporarily exclude them from using the library.
All Aalborg Libraries are under camera surveillance as a crime prevention measure throughout the opening hours.
Use of the Library
Everyone can use the library's general services for free.
The library may charge for selected events, printing and copying, and for other special services requested by the user.
The library's general rules of order and the staff's instructions must be followed. See house rules below.
Staff have the authority to expel a user if the rules of order are not complied with.
All Aalborg Libraries are under video surveillance as a crime prevention measure throughout the opening hours.
House Rules
The library is a cultural and learning center and should be used as such. The library is under video surveillance. The rules of order below and the staff's instructions must be followed.
Your stay at the library should not be a nuisance to others. Be considerate and clean up after yourself. Use of the library is at your own risk.
- Smoking (including e-cigarettes), sleeping, or being under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicants at the library is not allowed.
- Pets are not allowed.
- Public PCs and the wireless network must be used in accordance with the library's general purpose: information, education, and cultural activity. Searching for illegal material or exposing pornographic or highly violent images is beyond the library's purpose.
- Staff have the authority to expel and/or impose a ban on a user for threats and violent behavior, foul language, and when the rules of order are not complied with. The police will be called if necessary to maintain public order and protect individual and public safety. Vandalism and theft will always be reported to the police and will result in a claim for compensation and a ban.
Special conditions in the Self-Service Opening Hours
Access is available to everyone with a health card and/or borrower's card. Scan the card at the entrance to enter. The health card/borrower's card must be shown upon request. Failure to do so may result in expulsion.
You are not allowed to let others into the library. However, disabled persons may bring a helper/companion.
Windows and fire doors must not be opened.
The library must be vacated after the loudspeaker announcement of closing time.
On holidays and special occasions, there may be limited access or closure. Information will be provided on this page.
How do you sign up?
Sign up to Aalborg Bibliotekerne
You are always welcome to use the library for meetings, reading newspapers, using the internet, or writing assignments.
To borrow library materials, you must first sign up. You use your yellow health card as your personal library card, to which you choose a PIN code. When signing up, you must show a health card and photo ID or other valid identification (student ID is not accepted).
You can also sign up as a borrower from home directly on with your MitID. This way, you get immediate access to the library's offerings. To access all of Aalborg Libraries' digital services, you must have an address in Aalborg Municipality.
When you sign up as a borrower at Aalborg Libraries, you will be asked for your email and phone number so we can contact you.
The contact information is used to send automatic service messages by email three days before the loan period expires on the items you have borrowed. However, it is solely your responsibility to return the materials on time.
If you move, get a new phone number or email address, remember to notify us, and update your information on this page.
Library Users with Protected Addresses
If you have a protected address and register in our system to become a library user, please note that you cannot access our digital offers such as eReolen and Filmstriben right away. In order to access our digital services, please refer to our staff who will enter your municipality number and ensure that you can make use of our offers.
If there are any changes in the CPR register, our library system will receive an update, and if your protected status remains, it will cause the information to be deleted and you will no longer be able to use our digital services. If this should occur, please refer to our staff again.
Children and Adolescents
Children and young people under 18 are, of course, also very welcome at the library. You can sign up your child using MitID.
Read more about how to sign up you and your children here. Children and young people under 18 can choose to use their health card with a PIN code, or they can get a library card with a PIN code.
For institutions, it is possible to borrow books for 90 days. If you are borrowing on behalf of an institution, such as a childminder or a company, you must fill out an enrollment form for institutions via this link, get it signed by the institution's leader, and submit it at the library during staffed opening hours.
If You Lose Your Card
If you lose your card, notify us immediately at phone 9931 4300 or email, so the card cannot be misused by others. If you do not have a permanent residence in Denmark, or do not have a health card, you can get a standard borrower's card by showing valid identification (passport, national ID card, residence permit, or similar).
Borrowing Library Materials
How Long Can You Keep Borrowed Library Materials?
Normally, you can keep what you have borrowed for 35 days, but some of the very popular materials must be returned after just 7 or 14 days. You can check the loan receipt and your borrower status on the website or in the 'Biblioteket' app to see when you need to return your materials.
How do you extend the loan period? If the material is not reserved by another borrower, you can extend the loan period on, in the 'Biblioteket' app, at the library, or by phone at 9931 4300.
Materials with a 7 and 14-day loan period can be extended once.
How Do You Extend the Loan Period?
Materials with a 35-day loan period can be extended up to two times. There must be 7 days or less remaining in the loan period before you can try to extend the loan. This applies to both the library's own materials and materials from other libraries (interlibrary loans).
How do you make a reservation of a material?
You can reserve materials via, in the 'Biblioteket' app, at the library, or by phone. You can opt to receive service messages from us by email when your materials are ready to pick up. This free service can be subscribed to under "My Pages" when you are logged on to
The library cannot send notifications by postal mail.
If we do not have the materials you need, we will try to obtain them for you from another library.
Returning items late or replacing borrowed materials
If you return items late
To ensure as many people as possible can benefit from the library's offerings, you must return materials on time. Remember to keep the return receipt for 6-8 weeks or until you can see that your borrower status is updated. This is so you can document that your loans have been returned. You can also choose to receive a return receipt in your email.
The library automatically sends a service message by email three days before the loan period expires. However, it is solely your responsibility to ensure materials are returned on time.
If you return or renew after the loan period has expired, you will have to pay a fee. You can see the fee rates here.
Late Materials Will Be Charged the Following Fines | ||
Late by | Children Under 18 | Adults |
1-7 days | DKK 0 | DKK 20 |
8-14 days | DKK 0 | DKK 60 |
15-30 days | DKK 0 | DKK 120 |
After 30 days | DKK 0 | DKK 230 |
These fines are charged as of the return date. This means that if you have two or more materials with the same return date, you will be charged by the return date - not by the materials. The same goes if you have renewed your loans so they have the same date of return. The fines will be generated once the materials have been returned.
You can pay the fines via "Mit Betalingsoverblik".
Once the loan period has been exceeded by 7 days, we will send you an overdue notice by e-mail or SMS. If you haven’t provided us with an e-mail address or phone number, we will send the overdue notice by digital post (e-Boks) or ordinary post.
Once the due date has been exceeded by 35 days, you will be charged for both the replacement of the material and the overdue fines. If you return the material, you only have to pay the fines.
If you have not paid the fines after 90 days the fines, Aalborg Kommune will take over the case and you will receive a deposit card in your digital post (e-Boks).
If you owe DKK 200 or more, some of the self-service functions will no longer be available to you, and you will receive a notice of a ban from borrowing materials at a 10-day deadline. The ban will end when all the fines have been paid.
The library will send you a balance statement by digital post (e-Boks) or ordinary post. The statement is an overview of all your fines. These can be paid via or the app ‘Biblioteket’.
If you need to replace something you have borrowed
You are obligated to replace damaged materials and materials not registered as returned. The replacement cost is the price of acquiring the material again plus preparation. Note that the price of items like audiobooks, games, and DVDs is significantly higher than retail price due to copyright issues.
You can pay the replacement cost on or via the 'Biblioteket' app.
If you return a replaced item within the first 30 days after the replacement was created, we will take the item back and refund the amount you paid.
30 days after the replacement is created, we will not take the item back, and we will not refund the paid amount. You have bought the item for permanent ownership.
The library is not responsible for any damage to your own equipment or software in connection with the use of borrowed materials.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Aalborg Libraries follow the regulative by the EU. You can read more about how we handle personal data at (Please note that the text is in Danish).
Special Opening Hours
Most libraries are open every day with some hours limited to self-service. The Main Library and certain other libraries are closed on bank holidays (including Palm Sunday, Easter Saturday, Constitution Day (June 5th), Christmas Eve and New Year's Day). On May 1st, the libraries close at 12.00.
The opening hours change during holiday periods and between Christmas and New Year – please refer to our website.