Do you need help with your computer, smartphone or tablet? Do you need advice or just to talk about IT-related issues?

When and Where?
You will find us at the Main Library in “Laboratoriet”. You can ask the staff to help you find it.
The IT-Café is open twice a week:
- Tuesdays from 10.00-12.00
- Thursdays from 16.00-18.00.
Visit the IT-Café at Aalborg Libraries. Here you will be met by library staff and volunteers ready to share their IT-knowledge with you. You do not need to register, and the service is free.
It is a good idea to bring your own devices. We do have computers at the IT-Café, and you are very welcome to use them. It is, however, often easier to learn on your own devices, and then we have the opportunity to check if your computer is safe and updated.
The IT-Café always provides a safe and calm atmosphere where there are no stupid questions. The staff and the volunteers will do everything they can to help you with the aim of giving you the tools to help yourself in the future.
We Are Here to Help You With:
- Getting started with your smartphone, tablet or computer
- Installing and setting up antivirus programmes
- Mailing, texting, Skyping, etc.
- Installing software and apps
- Using eBooks, audio books, music and video
- Searching and using the internet