Book a meeting room

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Book a meeting room

We have gathered some practical information for you if you would like to book a meeting room at the main library at Aalborg Libraries, Rendsburggade 2

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Where can I find the meeting rooms, and how many are there?

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You find meeting meeting rooms at the Community Centre (Medborgerhuset), Rendsburggade 2. There are seven meeting rooms and an auditorium, which can be used Monday to Friday between 8-22, Saturday between 9-22 and Sunday between 10-22.

Who can borrow for free, who pays room rent and who pays room fees?

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National laws divide associations primarily into three main groups: 

  • Voluntary social associations and groups - including §18 associations (free rooms)
  • Popular education associations (pay a room fee per hour)
  • Other private associations (pay room rental per hour)

Example of users who can borrow premises for free:

  • Political parties, political organizations, and movements. The meeting must not have the character of an election meeting or election agitation.
  • Trade unions
  • Public institutions at state/region/municipalities
  • Library reading clubs/circles

Example of users who pay the room fee:

Adult education associations


The rental price is DKK 42 per hour for the auditorium in the Community Centre and DKK 17 per hour for all other rooms.


Example of users who have to pay room rental:

  • Private companies/businesses
  • Owner/residential associations
  • Church organizations and religious denominations
  • Private individuals (including students)
  • Users who have events with admission revenue must always pay room rental for the individual event, even if you are under the category of non-paying group.

The room rental is DKK 500 per hour for the lecture hall in the Community Centre, DKK 400 per hour for all other rooms in the Community Centre.

Invoices will be sent when the event has been completed. The invoice is sent digitally in e-Boks the following month, and a bill is sent for each event.

Terms and conditions

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Terms and conditions

  • If multiple dates need to be booked at a time, you can only book for maximum nine months at a time.
  • There must be a person who can be in charge.
  • The rooms can be used for meetings, lectures, teaching and similar as well as cultural activities of a non-commercial nature, including events and teaching approved by the Public Information Committee in Aalborg Municipality.
  • The premises may only be used for the activity for which permission has been applied for and granted. If an event is held with an entrance fee, this must be stated when booking, and then payment must be made for the use of the room.
  • The rooms cannot be used for sales events, parties, bingo games, etc.

Equipment in the rooms

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  • The auditorium in Medborgerhuset is equipped with a projector and sound, and you can also order microphones when booking the room. The equipment does not cost extra.
  • Meeting room 1 in the Community Centre is equipped with a 75" screen and sound, which can be connected via HDMI connector to your own PC.
  • Meeting rooms 2-7 in the Community Centre are equipped with 65" monitors and sound, which are connected via HDMI connector to your own PC.
  • You must always bring your own laptop, and you must provide your own cables - and remember adapter plugs if you use anything other than HDMI.

Access to the rooms

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When can I access?

All rooms in the Community Centre can be used Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays) between 8:00 - 22:00, Saturday 9:00-22:00 and Sunday from 10:00-22:00.

How can I access the rooms?

You can book via the calendars, see link to booking further down. In the calendar, you can also correct and/or delete your own bookings up to three days before the event. Bookings must be made for at least one hour, and no multiple bookings may be made in succession, either for the same room or different rooms on the same day. Multiple rooms may be booked during the same time slot.

There is no access to the rooms on official holidays (Easter, Pentecost, Christmas etc.) and a room can only be booked 30 minutes after another booked activity in the room has ended. The half hour between bookings is changeover time and is intended to allow the ending user 15 min. to clean up and leave the room, and the incoming user has 15 min. to set up and greet their participants. The lecture hall in the Civic Center can only be booked 60 minutes after another booked activity in the hall has ended, which gives each user a 30-minute turnaround time to finish and start up. for finishing and starting respectively.

Bookings must be made no later than three days before the room is to be used. In special cases, we can check whether it is possible to book at shorter notice. The room is not available until you have received a confirmation email from us. Please read your confirmation and always bring it with you to your event.

For the rooms in the Community Centre, the library staff will unlock the rooms 15 minutes before your booking begins and 30 minutes before for the Auditorium. You just slam the door when you leave.

Food and drinks

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You are responsible for any catering for your event. You are welcome to serve in our rooms if you make sure to clean up and ventilate the room after your event. There is a kitchen in the Community Centre with water and electricity. You must bring your own cutlery etc. for your own use.


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Room cancellations can be made up to three days before the start of the event. You must contact the place you have booked. If you cancel a rented room with less than three days' notice, a cancellation fee of DKK 50 will be charged (but DKK 100 for the auditorium in the Community Centre). If the deadline for cancelling has passed, you must contact the place where you originally booked.

Further practical information

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  • The Community Centre has a lift to meeting rooms 1-7 on the 1st floor. Disabled toilet and baby changing facilities are available on both the ground and first floor.
  • There is access to the Auditorium directly from street level for users who cannot use stairs. The access door must be opened from the inside.
  • Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email. Only when this confirmation arrives can you use the room. Please read your confirmation and bring it with you.
  • Meeting rooms 2 and 3 in the Community Centre can be combined and used as one room if they are both booked. Paying users will only have to pay for one room.
  • The rooms must be left with chairs and tables as described in the notice. Windows must be closed and lights switched off. The doors lock 15 minutes after the event has ended - but not until 30 minutes after in the auditorium. Your own waste must be removed. Otherwise, 1 hour will be invoiced for clean-up.
  • Aalborg Libraries' name may only be used in marketing in connection with the address of the activity in question.
  • If you have any questions regarding the rooms, you are welcome to contact Aalborg Libraries by phone at +45 9931 4300 or by email at

What does the meeting rooms look like?

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Here you find a view over the auditorium, which is on ground floor.

On first floor, you find meeting rooms 1 to 7. The sizes can be found on this plan

Please note that the text is in Danish.